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Star Wars Creation

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Star Wars' creation is fascinating and has many parallels to fiction. George Lucas took inspiration from Isaac Asimov and Don Smith to create the series. He also borrowed elements form Joseph Campbell's The man with a thousand faces, and the Galactic patrol. This article will look at these influences, along with the characters and storyline which helped to create the Star Wars universe.

George Lucas

Star Wars was the result of George Lucas's desire to see more films like these. While attending film school in California, he noticed that Hollywood films tended to focus on violence, sex, and cheesy science-fiction. He realized that audiences wanted a different type of film, one that involved humor and action-adventure. Star Wars' original concept was created after several years of development.


Star Wars has been influenced by many cultures. Japan is one example. The Japanese culture is known for its samurai. The ancient Japanese warriors wore long coats called jidori, and helmets that covered the neck and backs. Darth Vader actually uses samurai armor from Edo to make his helmet.

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Star Wars, one of America's most popular franchises, is a central part of American culture. It has inspired countless fans through its captivating battle sequences as well as the creation of spin-off movies. This has meant that the characters have seen more screen time than they would have liked. Star Wars has some standout characters, however.


Star Wars adaptions can be in many different forms. From books to video games, there are several versions of the Star Wars universe. Some are purely fictional, while others are based on the actual stories of the films. Here are some examples. The Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back & The Phantom Menace are the first & second movies of the series. The Return of the Jedi was the third film. It is set between Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back and The Force Aswakens. The novelizations are not part of canon, but they do represent an alternate view of the events of the movies. There are also other versions that include rewritten stories and plot lines that were dropped from earlier films.


CodePen allows you to find Snippets for Star Wars on your Android phone. Star Wars has inspired many generations and is still being made today. Star Wars contains hundreds upon hundreds of code fragments. If you're a fan of the movies, try the Speedfactory AM4 x Star Wars "The Force" sneaker, which features snippets from the comic books.

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Star Wars is one the most beloved franchises. It has been adapted into many other movies, spinoffs, comic books, movies for television, and even theme parks. Star Wars characters have inspired some animal species. Star Wars has been mentioned numerous times in pop culture. Below is a selection of some of the most prominent. Continue reading for more information.

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Why are there so few independent films that get released?

Indie filmmakers tend to assume that distributors will buy their films.

They are certain distributors will take their films, as they know that the public will love them.

However, this is seldom the case. Distributors often benefit from independent filmmakers.

They will use techniques such as delaying the release of a movie until after the awards season has ended.

They also delay the release date for a low-budget film until the summer blockbuster movie season has begun.

Distributors also try to keep films away from audiences until they've already spent hundreds of dollars on tickets, popcorn, or candy.

They don't wish to lose those profits.

How much does Hollywood make a year?

Producing a movie can cost around $100 million. If you produced ten movies per year for a decade you would have enough money to purchase a small country.

A private island with an airport and power plant, as well as a bank, post office and police station, would be yours.

If that doesn't sound like fun, then you must be insane.

Is there a Hollywood Walk of Fame?

Yes! Yes! If you plan to take photos at the Hollywood Walk Of Fame, you'll need a permit. The fee is $15 per person.

If you're planning on visiting the Hollywood Walk of Fame, make sure to bring a valid ID.

You must accompany someone over 21 years of age if you are younger than 18.

The walkway is not open until 10 a.m.

Once inside, you may not leave the walkway without paying again.

Cameras are not allowed on the walkway.

What percentage of box office profits goes to marketing?

Marketing budgets can account for as much as 20% to 40% of a film’s overall budget. Marketing is crucial to any film's success.

Without good marketing, no one knows about your film. If people don't know anything about your film they won't pay to see it.

How many theaters do I need to make back my investment?

It depends on how long you plan to run your theatrical release.

If your film is going to be run for less then two weeks, one theater will suffice.

If your film will run for more that two weeks, at least two theatres are necessary.


  • This reflected no change from 2011 and only a 1% increase from 1998."[116]"9% of all directors. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • In 2019, that percentage increased to 40 percent. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • New York Times article stated that only 15% of the top films in 2013 had women in lead acting roles. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • At his encouragement, his sister Sarah Luke, brother-in-law Elisha Luke, with her mother, Azubah, took the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad from Ogden to Los Angeles in November 1885, according to Adrian Weekly Press, November 13, 1885. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • Women account for 51 percent of moviegoers. (en.wikipedia.org)

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How To

How do you buy tickets online to Hollywood Wax Museum?

Hollywood Wax Museums are museums that display wax figures of famous celebrities. The museum was founded in New York City in 1894. The museum's opening ceremony featured the unveiling of President Abraham Lincoln's first wax figure.

It attracts millions of visitors each year from all around the world. It houses many famous wax figures, such as Marilyn Monroe (Michael Jackson), Elvis Presley and Bill Clinton.

You can purchase tickets to this attraction by visiting the museum's website. You can also book your ticket directly through their website. There are several packages that you can choose from depending on the number of people you'd like to bring along. You can choose between two types of packages: Single or Family.

Book your tickets well in advanced to secure the best price. Tickets for "Family Package", $149 per individual, and tickets to "Single Package", $129 each per person.

The prices mentioned above include taxes. If you purchase the package "Family", then you can add one person to your party. This extra person costs $50 per person.

You can choose the "single" package, which only includes you. You will need to pay $20 extra if you are traveling alone.

When you buy tickets online, payment is easy and fast. It takes only a few minutes to enter your name, email address and phone number. Once these details are provided, you will receive an email confirming your booking. You can cancel or change your reservation within 24 hours of your arrival.

The confirmation page can be either printed or displayed on your mobile device by the attendant upon entry to the attraction. It is not possible to use cash inside the museum. Instead, you will need to bring only your credit cards.

You can visit the museum anytime during its operating hours, which are 10 am to 11 pm daily.


Star Wars Creation